
    Gather Information & Take Notes



        There used to to be a cool program called "NetSnippets" which saved webpages (including graphics) and sort of allowed some kind of outline structure. But it wasn't a real outliner,  and very soon,  all those web pages got out of hand.

If you can't find the info... you might as well not have it!

        Which problem led to this very special tool.   Instantly enter notes and clip information from the screen, the web, Word, Excel, PDFs, E-Mails, etc.,  and place into an outline where you can access the information, move it around, and organize it!

        With MagicView you can:

    • enter notes directly and clip from just about anywhere, including graphics from the screen.

    • comfortably save over a billion characters of text and a virtually unlimited amount of graphics in over 30,000 view pages per ecco file.

    • seamlessly secure your text with Microsoft AES 192/256 bit strong encryption (requires XP/Windows 2003 or higher).

    • send your live or saved MagicView page (from any source) directly to your browser or instantly jump to the original source document.

    • save your pages either within ecco or seamlessly in an external disk folder. 
    • grab a selection of pages and flip through them all together.

    • share the same note/viewpage between multiple items.

    • link directly from any viewpages to any other.

    • view a page and all of its linked pages together as one.
    • search in Ecco and see a manageable results screen.

        While still being able to:

    • append to, export, and print your saved  clips. 

    • modify, and easily mark up your saved clips,  with super easy to use

        • highlighting, 

        • indexing,

        • private notes & comments,

        • cross-page hyperlinking, 

        • block math, and

        • outline numbering.

        Hopefully too, MagicView feels at home.

        MagicView is fully compatible with your existing Ecco files.  For those who have used a NoteEdit/EditNote plugin with "RTF" notes,  you can instantly use existing notes by simply renaming the note folder to "MagicView_1"  and enabling the RTF option in the File menu.  The MagicView notes are not only more compact and much more powerful as notes,  but are secure and open the door to true information gathering and organization fit for the information age.

        Just like in Ecco's main outline, Control + K opens your text formating window.  Tab indents your outline level.   Most every command has a hotkey shortcut. Control + Q is there to instantly insert the date & time, and even the "<" and ">" navigation butons work exactly like the "Prev" and "Next" buttons in Ecco's form view dialog. 

        MagicView integrates deeply into the Ecco workflow on many levels.  For example, selecting and moving information from MagicView to ecco items is as easy as pressing Control + Alt + C  to instantly copy the current MagicView selection as a new Ecco child item.

        Using Ecco MagicView you can move around, organize, and access huge blocks of data using very small tag lines.  You can have Hundreds of Megs of data, and yet have ecco orderly, responsive, and downright fun to use.


        ( Help overview at end of text  (Control + End), or Alt + X for index. )


  Adding content:  

Overview:  You can clip information to MagicView in over 30 different ways, including:

      • Hotkey Clip directly from anywhere directly into MagicView

      • Hotkey Clip directly from web browsers into Ecco

      • Clip screen shots directly into MagicView or Ecco

      • Cut from anywhere, and Paste into MagicView

      • Drag & Drop into MagicView from:

        • Sections of Web pages

        • Selections from thousands of supported programs

        • Entire HTML, RTF, or TXT files  (thousands can be added at the same time)

        • Photos

        • Program and data files to create links

        • PDF, DjVu, MHT, and similar file types to create seamless links

        • Disk folders to create 'live' attached folder views

        • and more...

  Adding clips to a MagicView page:  


A) From your browser, word processor, spreadsheet, pdf viewer, or other information source, simply drag & drop a selection into MagicView.


1. Hold down the Ctrl key when coping from word processors such as MS Word. (Otherwise the text is 'moved' to MagicView, instead of just copied over.  If this happens,  you can press Ctrl + Z in MagicView to restore.)

2. Multiple cells from Excel are as much as possible kept as a table,  in most cases,  just like they showed up in Excel.

3. In most cases, you can also drag from MagicView directly into Word, Excel, etc.. Please note the same caution applies-- hold the control key down when you release the drag to copy the selection. (Otherwise,  you will move, ie. delete in MagicView, the moved selection. If this happens, you can restore the selection in MagicView with Control + Z.)

4. Dragging & Dropping is easy,  but does not store the location of web-pages from where you dragged.  To save the location of the information, use a direct clip to MagicView,  or copy & paste with 'saved URL'.

5. The instructions assume "Magic" mode (button in upper left hand corner).  You cannot add or modify a page in "View" mode.  (There are other indications as well, the color of the item text line at bottom, is green for Magic mode and red for View mode.  "MAGICview" appears in Magic mode, "magicVIEW" in View mode.)


B) Drag & drop graphics, text, PDF, DjVu, and HTML files, as well as disk folders directly into MagicView's ItemText box.

Simply drag any graphics, txt, or html file to MagicView's ItemText box while holding down the Control key (or Shift).   Note: do not drag to the MagicView page display area for this feature, drag to the ItemText box at the bottom.

  • Text and html files will be incorporated into the viewpage text directly.

  • For PDF, DjVu, MHT files, disk folders, etc.,  holding down the control or shift key has the opposite effect-- the pdf will replace the active page unless  the control or shift key is pressed (in which case a new item will be created).   The PDF, etcl, file will be linked,  that is, the file on disk will be displayed but not saved as a part of the viewpage.  (You can 'ground' the page to make an extra copy of the file saved as a part of the viewpage in the ".web" directory.)   For detailed instructions on adding MHT, PDF or DjVu files, see the 'Adding PDF and DjVu Documents' section below.

  • Multiple files, even thousands and of multiple types,  can be added at the same time.

  • Multiple MHT, PDF and DJVU files are linked to new children items but all other graphics files are incorporated directly into the viewpage (if added with the control or shift key held down).

  • Note: If text, rtf, or html files are dragged to the ItemText box without holding down the shift or control keys, the files will be added as sub-items using the file's names. You can mass import rtf, text, and html items this way.  (When viewing RTF imports,  be sure the 'Use RTF' option is selected in File > Folder Options ).


C) Copy,  and paste the clip into MagicView

        On the Edit menu, you'll find three pasting choices. (You can access the Edit menu by clicking the "Edit" button, by  pressing Alt + D,  or by right clicking and selecting Edit.)

        1.  Control + V ,   paste.

        2.  Shift + Control + V,  paste and save clip css and source information.

        3. Winkey + Control + V, paste and save clip css and source as a clean, new page.   This will erase any clips or information currently in the active MagicView page.

Note: pasting with clip css and source information may take a moment or two to process (especially with extremely large clips, or clips that require reading other files in order to determine css context).

D) Hotkey Clip directly into MagicView.


In most any program, mark the section you desire to clip, and press  Winkey + F12.

There are a wide variety of clipping options, and to help keep things relaxed, the 'master' hotkey Winkey + F12 is
always available to provide a convenient menu of clipping options.  You can also hotkey clip directly:

Winkey + Control + C  append the clipped selection to the current MagicView page,

Winkey + Control + Shift + C
replace the current MagicView page with the clipped selection.

Note: If you accidentally erase a MagicView page with the Winkey + Control + Shift + C function, if you activate MagicView and press the same key command (Winkey-Control-Shift-C) within about 6 seconds, the page will revert.

Winkey + Control + Alt + C   replace the current MagicView page with the webpage referenced in the clipped selection.

For example, highlighting "" (in any program) and pressing Winkey + Control + Alt + C  will replace the active MagicView page contents with the contents of the webpage found at "".

Winkey + Alt + C append the clipped selection to the current MagicView page, and, store any images locally.

Saving Web graphics:

Web and similar clips that include graphics will also include the graphics when pasted.  The normal mode for this is to display the graphics from the original location.   The advantage to this is speed and space-- no space or time is used to download, copy or store the image.  This is the best way to clip and view when the information we are after is textual.  The text is stored forever,  and with very little overhead,  the images are initially available as well.

The disadvantage to not storing images locally is that images and locations may change in the future.  For images that are more than just convenience,  images which themselves are information we want to save,   the safest bet is to save a local copy of those images.  To clip directly into MagicView and to save a local copy of any web page images,  use this alternative clip.


1) Images are saved to a directory located where your  .eco file  is located,  named the exact same as your .eco file, but with ".web" as the directory's extension.   Java applets, external scripts, embedded movies, etc.   are not stored locally.  

2) If you want to store a page's external java applets, etc., use your web browser to save the webpage ("complete") in the appropriate directory, and then browse to the saved file,  and clip from that file into your ecco.   The page, including scripts, will be a part of your .eco file and always accessible to you-- so long as the directory and source files are accessible. 

3) If you relocate your .eco file,  move the .web folder as well.   If you change the name of your .eco file,  you can manually rename the .web folder,  or allow MagicView to handle that automatically as part of its error and checksum procedures.

4) Storing images locally requires having an actual file to link them to.  In order to use the MagicView image storage feature you must first open an ecco file.  (A new ecco session that is not yet saved as a file is not sufficient-- there is no file to link the images to.)   Ecco does not need to display an open window,  but Ecco must be running, with an actual file open as the active session.

The purpose of MagicView is information gathering,  and when photos are actually information (such as diagrams, etc.)  it is extremely helpful to be able to clip the photo info as well.   However, making a 'backup' of webpages for 'history'  is not a helpful way to gather and organize informationStrongly suggested that you save images when it is really necessary.   Keep in mind that it is the information you are after,  not the presentation.  (Some web browsers are text only!).   


You can also manually localize (save to disk) photos from any web clip, at any time,  by pressing Alt + G to 'ground' the clip.  

Ie., if you dragged & dropped a clip you can immediately (or later) use the 'Ground" command to save the clip's images locally. Grounding a file will also localize the 'CSS' style sheets for any webpage.



E) Hotkey Screen Clips

1)  Winkey + Shift + F12
  to capture a screen clip directly into MagicView. 

  • As with 'Grounding' clips, to use the MagicView screen clip feature you must first open an ecco file.  (A new ecco session that is not yet saved as a file is not sufficient-- there is no file to link the images to.)

  • Ecco does not need to be displayed on your desktop as an open window,  but Ecco needs to be running, and the active 'file' needs to be a real file,  not a temporary 'Untitled' view.

  • How to Clip:
    1. Activate the clipping tool by pressing Winkey + Alt + F12.
    2. After activating the tool, move the cursor to the upper left, or lower right corner of the desired clip area.
    3. Press and hold the left mouse button, and select the desired clip area.  

      1. To reset the corner of the clip area you can press and release the control key while still holding down the left mouse button.

    4. Release the mouse button to clip normally to MagicView.  
  • Your clip will be saved and inserted at the cursor position in MagicView.

  • The MagicView window does not need to be open to clip.

  • Once clipped, screen shots can be copied and freely pasted in other MagicView pages.

2) Winkey + Alt + F12 to capture a screen clip directly into Ecco.

  • Saves the clip at the currently active ecco item.

  • This type of clip is stored directly inside of the ecco file.

You can drag & drop,  copy & paste,  screen clip, or mark & clip  directly into MagicView multiple clips from web browsers, word processors, Excel, etc., etc.

Marking & clipping direct from most web browsers, saves additional information about each clip including the source.   When viewing clips captured this way (or captured by clipping directly into ecco),
 you can instantly jump to the original page source(s) by pressing Alt + O.  

Drag & drop and screen clipping do not allow later being able to  jump back to the original source for webpages, (but drag & drop does still for Word and Excel clips).

So, if you want to capture the content of a webpage,  drag & drop works great.  If you want to capture also the location of a webpage,  and be able to use Alt + O to instantly jump to the original clip source(s), use Winkey + Control + C.



  Adding web clips directly to ecco:   

Overview:  You can clip directly from the web to any ecco file.  Most web browsers are already supported (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Maxathon, K-Meleon, Opera, etc.), if yours is not,  we will add it.  With most modern browsers, clips are saved along with the location from which they were clipped.


A) Mark and clip directly into Ecco

1)  Winkey + Shift + E to paste directly to your currently active .eco file.

    1. Clips are pasted as siblings to the currently active item,  unless the item is a TLI (top level item), in which case the clips are pasted as children of that item.

2) Winkey + Shift + G to paste directly to your currently active .eco file and  save any clipped graphics.

    1. If not displayed,  MagicView will open automatically to allow review of the page after saving clipped graphics locally ("Grounding" the file).  Some web pages will not look nice after grounding.  (For example, pages built internally by javascript, etc.). 
        • You can explicitly 'ground' any page (ie., save locally the css and graphics attachments) from the File menu, Ground tool.  (or use the Alt + G shortcut).    This applies to pages created by drag & drop,  pages previously saved without saving graphics locally, etc.

        • You can load a webpage directly from its source (if clipped with source information) using the File menu, Load Clip Source tool.   (If you want to save the page once loaded,  be sure to save it,   loading a clip source does not automatically re-save the page.)
    1. To paste directly into the "WebMagic Inbox" folder instead of at the currently active item,  use Winkey + ALT + G from within your web browser.
          • Winkey + ALT + G from within Ecco will optionally 'link' a particular file for 'WebMagic" clips.   Ie., using Winkey + Alt + G from within a web browser, ill save to the  "WebMagic Inbox" folder in the linked file,  regardless as to what file (if any) is currently active in Ecco.
      1. If the page does not display as you desire, (eg., the area copied did not include hidden formatting info, etc.),  from MagicView you can press Alt + Shift + O to directly load the page into MagicView from the net.  If that looks good,  then use Alt + G to ground the new page contents.

        Some pages will not allow themselves to be copied by either of these approaches.  In that case,  use the web browser's built-in "Save As Complete Web Page" or equivelant command to save the page to disk,  and then use Alt + Shift + L to load into Magic View.


3) Winkey + Control + Shift + G to paste directly to your currently active .eco file a fresh reload of  the clipped from page and save any graphics locally.

a. This clip works well in many cases where you want to clip an 'exact' copy of the original web page. 

b. In some cases this clip will not work as 'expected' because a fresh reload of the desired page may result in a different webpage then the page actually clipped from.   This can be caused by many issues,  such as javascript page redirection,  page trapping,  security issues with the server, etc.

c. The page may look different in 'Magic Mode' than displayed in your browser.  'Viewer' mode more closely duplicates the 'look' of your web browser.


4) Winkey + Control + ALT + G to paste directly to the 'WebMagic' folder a fresh reload of  the clipped from page and save any graphics.

    • Ie. this is the same as  3) Winkey + Control + Shift + G,  except it saves to the WebMagic folder instead of at the active ecco item.


B) Mark, position, and paste into Ecco

You can clip from your browser,  and then go to Ecco and paste the clip.

How to do it:

1) Mark the desired section in your web browser. 

      • You can even mark text, graphics, or both.

      • You can even mark everything with Control + A.

2) Press  Winkey + Control + E  from within the browser.

3) Go to ecco and find where you want to paste the clip.  Select (for example, single click) the item.

4) Press Winkey + Control + E again from within Ecco.

      • To also save any clipped graphics,  paste in Ecco with Winkey + Control + G instead.



 Usage Note: 

When I find something in my web browser that I want to save, use Winkey+Control+E to clip it,  then go to ecco, and find where I want to paste it .

Once selected in ecco where to paste,  Winkey+Control+E inserts the clip immediately below (as a 'sibling'')  the actively selected item, or as a child if the selected ecco item is a top level item.  

When there are multiple clips to paste under thesame parent in ecco, use Winkey+Shift+E to paste directly from the browser into ecco-- at the currently active ecco location.

To view saved pages,  simply use Winkey + ?
( really Winkey + /  but ? and / are the same physical key on my keyboard).

To review saved pages,  also use Winkey + <  and Winkey + > (actually "," and "." keys which on my keyboard are also "<" and ">" ).

F5 also makes flipping back and forth betweenpages super easy (as does Alt + <  and Alt + >).



C)  'Specialty' Clips

Overview:  MagicView provides several 'specialty' clips for gathering information from the web directly to an ecco outline.  To use these commands, simply mark the desired portions of any web page,  and press the hotkey combination.  The clip is inserted in the active ecco file,  at the currently active item.  (Ecco needs to be running, but does not have to be showing in order to clip.)


1) Winkey + Shift + Alt + E   the  'most recent clip with history' tool. 

  • This will replace any existing clip for that item.  Ie. this is the one kind of clip that is 'dangerous' in that it will silently erase an item's clip.

Be careful with this feature it replaces the clip of the active item with the new clip.

  • A text copy of the new clip is also attached as a child of the new clip item.
  • This tool allows you to search for something specific (for a specific item), clip it if you think you've found it,  and then instantly update if you find that it is something else you really wanted.  A history of your clips (as textual sub items) is kept for easy and instant reference.


2) Winkey + Shift + Control + E   the 'full text' tool.

This will clip a full text version as a child (sub item) with an attached links list.


3) Winkey + Alt + E   the 'collection' tool.

Clips to a special "WebMagic Inbox" folder instead of adding to the currently selected location in ecco.   This tool allows for clipping now, and sorting out later.


Technical Note:

Clipping directly to Ecco creates auto entries in folders "URL" and "Webclip?", and if an auto date folder is set up in your ecco file,  the clip date will be stamped in the autodate folder as well.

The URL folder contains the web address from which the clip was clipped. After about 10,000 clips, a new folder "URL2" (and then "URL3") is used.   (The MagicView install creates a launch tool to allow right-click launching of the URL folders.)  

The Webclip? folder is checked if there is a MagicView page associated with that item.  Adding a Webclip? column to your view,  makes it easy to see and to filter for items with MagicView attachments.

If you have clipped more than 15,000 entries to any single ecco file with datestamping enabled,  you should rename the datestamp folder,  turn off date-stamping for the folder,  and create a new auto-date stamp folder for fresh clips. This is important because date folders can only have 16,383 item assignments, and file errors/freezing of file will be generated when that limit is exceeded.   (This applies to all items and files, not just MagicView.   For more information and tutorial see "HOW DO I FIX MY OVERFILLED AUTO-DATE FOLDER" in the EccoMagic forums.)




  'Exact' HTML content clips:   

Overview: Sometimes you may want parts of a webpage that you can't normally copy, such as specialty background color settings, etc.  There are several ways to 'capture' exact HTML content with MagicView.


A) Hotkey any URL selection. 

1) Select a valid URL in *any* program. 

    • For example, most browsers provide an URL edit field.  Highlight the URL in that field.

    • With web pages hidden behind a referrer URL or topframe,  the displayed URL most likely will not be the actual URL to the page you desire. (In that case,  clip a section of the page, and use the Shift + Alt + O page reload feature.)

2) Press Winkey + Control + Alt + C  

(or  Winkey + F12  and select 'New from Url').



B) Drag & Drop raw HTML from the web. 

1) Access the raw HTML from your browser.  

    • Most browsers provide an option to view the HTML 'source', either in the File or Edit menus,  or by right clicking on the webpage.

    • With framed web pages,  you'll likely need to view a frame's source for the actual HTML.

2) Toggle MagicView to rawHTML mode by accessing the option in the View menu, or using the Alt + R shortcut hotkey. 

3) Mark the desired HTML in the browser's source viewer.

4) Simply drag and drop the HTML portions you desire into MagicView.

5) Toggle out of rawHTML mode (Alt + R).



C) Drag & Drop a saved webpage file. 

1) You can drag & drop .txt and .html files directly into MagicView.


D) Load a webpage directly from a file. 

1) From the File menu, select "Load New File" to load any .htm or .html file as the active MagicView page.

    • Alt + Shift + L is the hotkey shortcut. 


E) Load a clip's original webpage, directly from the Web.

1) The clip in the active MagicView page must contain the source information of one or more clips.

    • All direct to Ecco clips and most MagicView clipping methods include the source information.

2) From the File menu, select "Load Clip Source" or use the Alt + Shift + O hotkey shortcut.

    • If the active page contains clips from more than one source,  you will be prompted to choose the source you wish to load.
    • If you want to save the page's  graphics locally,  ground the newly loaded page by choosing "Ground" from the file menu, or the Alt + G shortcut.



        Alt + O opens the original source externally from many source types (eg. a webpage will open in the browser, a Word document will open in Word, etc.) and is used to open the original of all clipped sources outside of MagicView.


        Alt + Shift + O is used only when the original source was a webpage, and replaces the MagicView Page with an exact copy of that webpage. 



  Adding PDF and DJVU documents:

Overview: Links to 'Browser Objects' such as MHT, PDF and DJVU documents can be saved to provide seamless viewing with MagicView.   The objects can be located anywhere, including any file's .web folder.  (Object viewpages can be localized or 'grounded' just like any other MagicView page.) 


A) Drag & Drop .pdf, .djvu or similar files to the MagicView ItemText box  (or Button Strip). 

1) You can create an 'empty' MagicView page by clicking on any ecco item (even a new one) and pressing Winkey + /  (or right clicking on the ">" Navigation button [and selecting 'Load from Active' if View > Navigation Menus is selected]).   You can drag & drop to an empty page's ItemText box, or to an existing viewpage's ItemText box (to replace that page's content).

2) If a single file is dropped,  that 'object' is made the current MagicView page.  

NOTE: Dragging & Dropping a single file does not automatically save the object in your ecco file.  You will still need save the page with Control+S  or other save operation.   If you 'ground' the page "Alt + G" the page will be saved and the dragged file will be copied to the '.web' folder (so long as File > Folder Options > Ground local files  is selected).

3) If multiple files are dropped,  each 'object' is added as a child item of the currently active ecco item.   Ie. With multiple files,  each file is automatically saved as a new ecco item.


NOTE: To add an object, drag to the MagicView Button Strip (where the buttons are located), or to the ItemText box,  and not to the actual MagicView page area.


  Adding Links to other MagicView pages:   

Overview: Links to other MagicView pages (in the same file) can be freely added.  


Winkey + Control + P  to create a link to the currently active item (in the same file as the MagicView page).

    • The Link will be added to a text section if selected.

    • Winkey + Alt + P to insert the link which was 'grabbed' in Ecco by pressing Winkey + Alt + P from within Ecco to 'grab' a link to the active ecco item.



    • Activate the link just like any other-- Clicking on the link (in 'View' mode)  or Alt + Clicking on the link in Magic Mode.  

    • Links can be manually modified using the Alt + H hyperlink shortcut key.



  Sharing MagicView pages among items ("Mirroring") :   

Overview:  MagicView Pages  can be shared between ecco items.  For example, the viewpage of a phone book entry can be attached to children of multiple project items.  Modification of any of the cloned pages modifies them all. 


Winkey + Control + S

Attaches a 'mirror' of the current viewpage to the active ecco item (in the same file).

Also available via the File Menu (File > Save > Mirror at Active).


NOTE:  MagicView's 'fail safe' page saves (when you for example, open a new viewpage before saving changes to the current page) occur in the background in order to make page loading faster.   If you forget to save a mirrored viewpage and then load the same viewpage via another item which shares the mirror,  the page initially loaded will be the 'proper' unsaved paged.   If you then save the modified page (via prompt,  or automatically if 'QuickView Autosave' is active)  the page you were looking at will be the prior version of the mirrored paged.  This is an issue only where (1) you modify a mirrored viewpage without saving it and (2) immediately view the same viewpage via a different ecco item.  In this case, MagicView will automatically update the viewpage when a background save impacts, (or might impact) upon the page you are currently viewing.


ADVANCED USER NOTE: For advanced users, viewpages can be seamlessly shared among multiple ecco files.  You may encrypt any or all of the shared pages.  This is a powerful but advanced feature and requires a special disk structure for the data file directories.  Here is how you do it:  (This will make much more sense if you've already spent some time reading the rest of the manual, and trying different features such as storing pages to disk,  using the navigation buttions, etc.


    1. Save at least one viewpage to disk storage in each file you wish to share the common data.

    2. Decide which file will be the 'Master' for the shared viewpages.

    3. With the files closed and MagicView inactive,  rename all of the .web pages (exactly the same as file name + .web) to ".web2", except for the master .web directory.

    4. Create junction directories of the master .web directory for each file you desire to share the info.  Name the directories exactly as the original .web folders were named,  and copy all of the info from the renamed .web2 folders to the new junction .web folders.

      1. Junctions allow multiple directories to 'share' the same files. 

      2. More info at:

        1. (a nice freeware utility for creating and managing junctions.)

    5. Be careful:

      1. To compact your combined/shared .web folder use the File > Folder Options > Cross-File Shared Folders menu.

      2. First 'Compress the shared .web folder'  for each of the .eco files sharing the data.

      3. When you've done that for *all* of the .eco files involved, then "FINALIZE the compression".

      4. NOTE: Failure to follow this procedure when compressing shared .web folders will risk data loss.

    6. For extra protection,  you can 'Mark .web folders as shared' from the Cross-File Shared Folders menu.   This will help MagicView prompt you for possible mis-steps and can help save your from losing data.

    7. For extra safety,  no data is actually deleted outright.  Data is sent to a 'trashbin' folder in the .web folder,  so you can save offline and then delete in safety.

    8. To share a viewpage simply set the page to be stored on disk.  You can then add the very same page  to any item in any file sharing the .web folder. (eg, open another file sharing the same .web folder,  select any item and RIGHT click on the LEFT "<" MV navigation tab [if the Navigation menu is active select the 'Save at Active' option].   This will add the 'mirrored' cross-file viewpage to the new file.)

    9. A change to the viewpage by any of the shared files will change the viewpage for all.   Deleting the item attached to a shared viewpage does not delete the viewpage for other files.

    10. To 'unjoin' files simple copy all  of the files (including subdirectories) from the shared .web directory to a new folder.  Delete the junctions (Be careful, use proper junction removal,  not just delete.  On some systems delete of junction will destroy your harddisk data structure.  On such systems you must 'remove' the junction, not delete it.).   Once you've removed the junctions rename the new (non-junction) folders to the appropriate names for each file.   Ie., the file name ".web".   (At this point it does not matter which folder gets which name as all folders have the same data).   Once done,  run for each file "Compress Attachments Folder"  from the File > Folder Options menu.   That's it.   You can delete the trasbin sub folder to save data space/clear unwanted data.




  Saving content:  

Overview:  Clipping content to a MagicView page does not automatically save the content.  There are helpful options as to where and what to add to the ecco file. 


  Page Storage Options:  

One of the key functions of MagicView is saving view pages directly in Ecco.  You can clip over a Gig of data,  up to 8 Megs per clip this way.   (Most clips stored this way will load faster than other programs which could be used to capture web snippets such as NetSnippets and MyBase).  

MagicView also has the optional ability to seamlessly store view pages to disk in the ".web" folder.    These pages can be virtually unlimited in size,  and stored encrypted or unencrypted (just like other view pages).   The size of these pages is not added to your .eco file,  but the page content cannot be searched via ecco.   As far as MagicView is concerned the chosen location of viewpage is seamless, and can be freely changed simply by saving a page.  (The page is saved based on the page and default settings for storage.)


Per page Storage options


Winkey + P access the page properties dialog allowing instant selection of disk or ecco based storage for the active page.  Encryption for the active page can be selected at the same time.


Global Storage options


Via the File > Data Location  menu a forced default storage location can be choosen.  

      • If a forced location is active it will override manual selection of the storage choice for any viewpage.  

      • |) will appear by the Item Text box if forced storage to disk is active. 

        • (||) will appear if encryption is also set as the default.

  Attaching (Saving)  to the active Ecco item:  

    • The following functions operate on the current, actively selected Ecco item.

    • Ecco does not need to be displayed in order to attach a MagicView page.

    • The active ecco item may be a different item, or in a different ecco file,  than the ecco item the page was originally viewed from.

A)  Hotkey

1) From within Ecco, or MagicView pressing Winkey + Shift + / will attach (Save) the active page to the active ecco item.

  •  You can also select "Save at Active" from the File menu,  or use the Control + Shift + S hotkey shortcut.

B)  Mouseclick

1) Right click on the left arrow navigation button  "" . 


  Saving a item's modified MagicView page:  

Overview:   When an ecco item's MagicView page is viewed,  you can freely modify and then re-save the page,  even if you are no longer positioned on the original ecco item,  and even if you have changed the active file in ecco.   Re-saving to the original source item requires that the original file be at least still loaded into ecco.


A)  Shortcut Hotkey

Control + S saves the active MagicView page to the item a MagicView page was last viewed from. 

a) It does not matter what file or item is active in ecco,  so long as the file containing the original item's file is still open (ie. clicking on ecco's lower right "Files" button shows the file in the open file list).

b) When you view any item's MagicView page,  or "Save as Active" a MagicView page to any item,  that ecco item is linked to the active MagicView screen.   Control + S will always save to that item.



Winkey + S saves the active MagicView page and the Ecco file it is attached to.




B)  via Menu selection

From the File menu, select "Save".

        • Note: Menus can be accessed by

          • Clicking on the menu button (right click for 'quick access menus); or

          • Pressing the menu's Alt key shortcut; or

            •   File menu        Alt + F
            •   Edit menu       Alt + D
            •   Format menu  Alt + T
            •   View menu      Alt + I
            •   Indexing          Alt + X

          • Right clicking on the MagicView page.


  Attaching pages to multiple ecco items:  

If multiple ecco items were viewed together (a 'multiView'),  you have the option of saving the multiView, or a modified page to all of the items at once. This is useful, for example, to fill template values over multiple items.


    • Saving (with Control + S or via the menu) will save the current page to all of the items actively loaded.  

    • If you want to modify a single item in a multiView, use Alt + L to lift individual item for editing, and saving.

    • To save a multiView to a new item,  use Control + Shift + S,  or another 'new item' saving option.


  Saving to a new Ecco item:  

When a new item is created to hold the active MagicView page,  the item text is copied from the "Item Text" box at the bottom of the MagicView window.  The active MagicView page can be saved as a new child, or as a new sibling of either (1) the currently active ecco item,  or (2) the currently active MagicView page.


1)  (Optional) Set the "Item Text" box text to the desired item text


 1) You can toggle the size of the Text edit area by:

        (A) clicking on the "Item Text" label,  or 

     (B) right clicking on the Item Text edit box and selecting "Item box sizing".

 2) Control + Shift + I  will copy marked text from the MagicView page to the Text edit area.



2)  Create a new child or sibling item.


Use "Save Under Active"  to save relative to the current active item in Ecco,   or

Use "Save under Viewpage" to save relative to the current MagicView page item.


"Save as Child"  to save as a child   or 

"Save as Sibling"  to save as a sibling.


   Available shortcuts include:

  Winkey + S                           Save MagicView page and Ecco file

  Alt + S         

Save as Child of current MagicView page

  Control + Alt + S         

Save as Child of Active Ecco Item

  Winkey + Alt + S        

Save as Sibling to current MagicView page

  Winkey + Control + Alt + S   

Save as Sibling of Active Ecco Item 

         or, Right Click and select File menu,  (or Alt + F  File menu).



NOTE:  Saving a page as a child or sibling does not make the newly saved to item the 'current' MagicView page item.



  Saving Ecco item text content:  


Overview: Currently there is no way to save or modify formatting of Ecco item text.  For that reason,  MagicView is designed to avoid as much as possible any modification of the Ecco item text itself.  The following are functions which allow you to create or modify ecco item text from within MagicView.


  Copy Text to Child.


Control + Alt + C will copy the text selected in theMagicView Page to a new child of the currently active eccoitem.



'Save at child' and 'Copy Text to Child' create a new child at the CURRENTLY SELECTED ITEM IN ECCO,  regardless of which file or item the original MagicView Page is attached to.  

Whereas, 'Copy Text to Item', copies the selected text as the new item text for the item with which the MagicView page is attached to, regardless of which file or item is currently selected in Ecco.


  Copy to Item Text. 


Control + Alt + Shift + C  will replace the MagicView page's item's text with:


A) The text selected in the MagicView Pane,  or,


B) if the Item Text Line is selected/active in MagicView, the text in the 'Item Text' box. 


Winkey + Control + Alt + Shift + C will restore the original item text.  Ie., essentially 'undo'. 




'Copy to item Text' will instantly replace the item text of the item to which the MagicView page is attached-- regardless of what file or item is currently displayed or active in Ecco.

You can add/modify the text to an Ecco text item,  but ALL the text formatting within the item will be lost.  For this reason extensive editing of Ecco text from within MagicView is not recommended. 

Text formatting that applies to the first character of the item will be applied to all of the text added/modified by MagicView.





      MagicView uses MicroSoft's AES 192/256 bit strong encryption.  This is good if you want military grade encryption,  but not so good if you lose your password, or are running older OS such as Windows 2000.  (MS AES strong encryption will work only with XP, Windows 2003, etc.,  and newer OS).  

      Page encryption is seamless,  so that an encrypted page once loaded can be edited and freely resaved encrypted as the original.


          Important notes:

          1. Any localized files (from the file's .web directory) included in encrypted pages are 'exposed'.  Neither the local files nor the file names are encrypted.   To 'hide' local files included in encrypted pages,   simply use links to files in a directory other than the '.web' directory for that ecco file.  Ie. everything in a secured page is encrypted, except  for the names of any localized files attached to that page.   If you attach files not located in the official .web directory,  there is no way for anyone to know that any files are attached to the page, or where or what files might be attached.
          2. Multiple users can save encrypted pages within the same .eco file,  with each user's password being unique.  

          3. You cannot as a realistic matter recover a lost password.  If you need to recover lost data,  we can attempt a 'brute force' attack to discover the password and recover your data.   Depending upon the length of the password, assuming you used only the charachers A-Z in the text of your password, with a dedicated quad multi-processor dedicated to the task 24/7, discovery of the password will take several months to several decades.  (Note that as with any protection based on passwords,  a short & simple password can be 'hacked' by an expert in less than a year.  Even a longer, more complex password (more than just A-Z used as characters) is likely not beyond the range of a supercomputer 'brute force' attack.)

          4. Please be careful with encryption.  If you encrypt and forget your password,  even if you pay for data recovery, and a machine set up dedicated to that task, it could take several decades for you to see your data again.  ( If you lose a long, complex password,  there is no realistic hope to recover your data during our lifetimes.)

          5. As with browsing web pages or viewing Word documents, system cache files may contain a copy of the contents viewed.  To avoid this,  use a cache scrubbing program, and/or, use a program like PGP and save an encrypted version of your notes in MagicView,  and use only the PGP secured viewer to decrypt and view.   Ie. Since MagicView relies upon Windows to display graphics, etc., normal windows cache locations may contain traces of what was viewed.

            Note: Unlike programs like MyBase, MagicView does not save a copy of your pages to disk,  nor load them via Microsoft's normal page cached loads. In this respect there is a much higher degree of security, but,  memory is not locked against paging,  and there could be traces of what you view.

          6. Mass Encryption.

              1. Default encryption (for advanced users).   It is possible to set up a default template which automatically encrypts.   (See more on default templates below.)  Simply include "<META EMCRYPT>" after the "<HEAD>" tag in your default template form.

              2. The "Always Encrypt" feature.  (File > Encryption menu)

                1. While activated ALL pages are saved encrypted, but the encryption is not 'seamless'.  The  next time the page is saved or edited it will not be saved encrypted unless manually set to encrypted or the "Always Encrypt" option is enabled at that time.  The purpose of this is to avoid data loss-- saving encrypted data  without realizing it.

                2. If you load an encrypted 'Always Encrypt' page, and save it with Always Encrypt off,  the page will save as a normal, unencrypted page.  By contrast,  a page manually set to "Page Encryption",  is 'seamless'  and will automatically be re-saved encrypted.

                3. An * is displayed next to the Item Text box when default encryption is active.



        Navigation Buttons:  


          The Navigation buttions are multi-function buttons,  providing different tools based on click combinations.  In addition to the 'combination click' operation of the navigation  buttons, if the "Navigation Menus" option is selected (View menu) a right click (without any click modify key being pressed) on either Navigation Button will activate the navigation menu for that button.   Every navigation button function (other than 'load previous' and 'load next'-- the unmodified left click function of each button) can be selected.



          Left Click

             Load previous item in Ecco file
          Right Click
          Save page to currently active Ecco item
          Shift + Left Click Add previous item in Ecco file 
          Control + Left Click
          Jump to previous item of a multiView
          Alt + Left Click Move back in page view history
          Shift + Right Click Save page (at orginal location)
          Shift + Control + Left Click Mirror page at active Ecco item
          Control + Right Click   Share page with another MagicView session




          Left Click
             Load next item in Ecco file

          Right Click
          Load active Ecco item

          Shift + Left Click 
          Add next item in Ecco file

          Control + Left Click

          Jump to next iem of a multiView

          Alt + Left Click
          Move forward in page history

          Shift + Right Click

          Reload page
          Shift + Control + Left Click Insert link to active Ecco item

          Control + Right Click  

          Get page from another MagicView session




            Viewing & Editing content


              Overview:  QuickView allows for the quick viewing and editing of the MagicView pages for any ecco item in the active file.   The MagicView page of the current Ecco item is automatically displayed in MagicView.   QuickView can be activated for all files or a single ecco file.  (Remember,  you can always manually load view pages for items with Winkey + ?   or Winkey + Z,  or right click on the right navigation button.) 

              Note:  Most pages load quickly, but extremely large pages may take a moment or two to load.


              Press Winkey + Q to activate QuickView from MagicView or Ecco.

              (You can also activate QuickView via the File menu)


              Press Winkey + Shift + Q to activate QuickView for the active file only.

              If you switch files with the QuickView single file option activated, the feature will be paused. In this mode, to activate QuickView when viewing different files,  manually toggle the feature.  

              Quickview single file mode allows you to have each of multiple MagicView sessions linked to a different ecco file.  ( Activation from within the desired MagicView session by pressing Winkey + Shift + Q insures you are linking the desired session with the active file. ) 

              Note: An alternative multi-session setup that works well also, is to have an 'internal' sidebar session in QuickView mode,  and a secondary external session in manual mode.


              Press Winkey + Alt + Q to toggle QuickView AutoSave. 

              (Found also on the File > Folder Options menu)

              Normally,  MagicView will only save changes you make to a page based upon your explicit instruction to do so.  Eg., Control + S,  Shift right click on the left navigation button,  or a confirmation to a 'Save This?' dialog.    In AutoSave mode, changes are automatically saved when a new view page is loaded.   The feature is convenient,  but involves some risk-- all and any changes will be saved without your confirmation.

              NOTE: There is an alternative method for QuickView to interface with ecco.  For most systems and notepad setups the alternative will work faster than the default.  The alternative method does not work on some unique system setups, and so is not the initial default.  You can select the alternative method via File > Folder Options > Alternate QV connection.   The selection take effect the next time QuickView is activated (so if you changes the setting while QuickView is activated,  toggle QuickView on and off once to activate).

              Please initially test your QuickView connection method with AutoSave turned OFF,  so that there will be no risk of data loss.  (Either connection method is a good choice depending upon what works best on your system.)

              Also Note: if using the 'slang' extension, do NOT close an untitled ecco file while QuickView is connected to that file.  Closing untitled (ie. newly created and yet unsaved ecco session with no actual file in disk) sessions with the slang extension while connected to QuickView can crash your ecco session.  Just be sure to turn off the QuickView connection before closing any "untitled" file. (You can switch files freely, but do not close any untitled file actively connected to QuickView.)



                Instant Zoom

              Overview:  Instant Zoom allows for the quick zooming and of the MagicView pages from any MagicView sate.   Instant Zoom can be used while MagicView is in standalone or in 'sidebar' mode.


              Press F11 to toggle Instant Zoom.


              For zooming the size of a viewpage,  use the "Zoom" slider.  

              Clicking on "Zoom" will restore the zoom to 100%.


              Alt + ZAlt + Shift + Z,  and Alt + Control + Z  (or Control + minus  and Control + plus) will also zoom out, zoom in,  zoom at 100%,  respectively.



                Hotkey viewpage load

              1) With the cursor on any ecco item with saved content, press Winkey + Z from within ecco, or Winkey + / from within ecco or MagicView to view.   You can also simply double click on any ecco item with an attached MagicView page.


              A) Double Clicking is enabled with full install.  (Executing "MagicViewView.exe"  will also restore proper functionality.)


              B) Double Clicking on empty items (ie. items without attached MagicView pages) will not invoke MagicView.  


              C) Because double clicking requires Ecco to process the item you click on,  items may update slower,  even much slower than the 'instant' update of Winkey + /  .


              D) You can run MagicViewView.exe from scripts/extended rules  to have MagicView open the currently selected item's page.




              2) You can also press Winkey + Alt + /  from within ecco to view the saved content of the active ecco item directly in your default browser.



              3) From ecco or from within MagicView, Winkey + < and Winkey + > will move to the next/previous item in your .eco file and display the saved content (if any).

              A) Alt + <  and Alt + >  move back and forward between recently viewed MagicView pages. 


              History Menu

               F5 activates the 'History' menu.  

                • You can select one or multiple pages to view.

                • Use Alt + L  to pull a page from a multiple page view,  (multiView borders must be enabled), to edit any selected item, and then press Alt "<" (or click again on the timeline selection panel) to instantly reload the multiple page selection.  

                  This feature is invaluable when working on projects with multiple data pages.


              Note:  So long as the file is still open in any ecco session, you can view a page from the history menu even if that page is in a file other than the currently active ecco file.  (You can also view pages from entirely different ecco sessions opened with EccoMagic's 'Ecco Multiplexer' tool.)   When selecting multiple pages to view from the history menu,  only pages from the same file as the first selected item will be included.




               Multiple clips can be viewed from ecco (or the history menu) at the same time. Just select them, and view.


              A) The View - multiView Borders option controls whether the multiView clips are defined by individual item.


              B) multiViews can be printed, exported,  or 'dragged & dropped into Word, emails, etc.'  as reports.


              C) When multiView borders are selected, you can:

              1) Move back and forth between item sections using Alt + PageUp and Alt + PageDown.


              2) Jump directly to any section using Alt + Home.


              3) Edit any individual page by pressing Alt + L, and then Control +L to jump back.


              5) The normal mode for viewing is "Magic" mode.


              A) You can add additional clips (pasting, drag&drop, etc.), add links, add graphics links, etc.


              B) You can also edit, ie. take notes.


              C) If you edit a 'combo' clip and save it, you will be replacing the single (or original) clip with the full combined multi-clip.


              6) An alternative mode is "View" mode.


              A) View mode is useful in two primary ways.  First, the page is displayed 99.999% exactly like the page would appear in a standard web browser.   Second, you can press on links directly.   

              B) To alternate modes you press F2, or click on the 'Mode" button.  

              C) You can also directly select 'Magic' mode via Alt + M,  and 'View' mode via Alt + V.


              NOTE: You can activate links even while in 'Magic' mode, by holding down the "Alt" key while clicking on the link.

              NOTE: By default, links are opened in a fresh browser window. It is highly recommended to use the MagicView in this way. If, however, you desire to view linked pages inside MagicView itself (you can instantly save them), in the View Menu there is an option to 'Browse Internally' within MagicView itself.


                7) You can instantly create an index for any page.

              A) By using the "Index" button (or Alt + X),  you can create new index entries.  

              i) Any highlighted text will be the default bookmark name.  If shift is held down when "Add Bookmark" is clicked,  the bookmark will be added instantly,  with the markre-selected when the bookmark is accessed.

              ii) You can 'instantly' add selected text as a book mark by Right Clicking on the Index button ( ) .   Ie. this is the same as left clicking and then selecting Add Bookmar,.

              iii) Bookmarks are saved with the MagicView page in your ecco file,  and will be available whenever that page is accessed.

              iv) Adding a ">" prefix to any bookmark name will cause the mark to re-select the text selected at the time of marking, as opposed to just moving to the mark location.  (The ">" is not included in the bookmark name).


              B) To jump to any bookmark,  just click on the bookmark in the indexlist.

              C) To delete any bookmark,  hold the control key down and select that bookmark from the indexlist.

              D) To add a hyperlink to any bookmark,  use Alt + H to add a hyperlink and enter #EM# followed by the exact bookmark name.  You can insert a table of contents to all bookmarks in a viewpage by holding down Shift and Control when Selecting "Add Bookmark" from the Index menu. 



              8) Helpful when working with multiView, or page history,  Alt + Shift + Control + V  will mark all items currently displayed in  MagicView as EM Favorites,  and open the EM Favorites view in ecco.


              A) Alt + Shift + V  toggles the EM Favorites folder setting in ecco for all items in the active MagicView display.


              B) You can also directly remove items from the EM Favorites folder in ecco manually, as you would any other folder.


              C) For example,  try Alt + Shift + Control + V for any item's page, and see the EM Favorites view open.   Any item's page can be added or removed from the view from within MagicView by using Alt + Shift + V.




               Viewing options


              The "View" menu allows selection of many different viewing options, including:


              1.  Attaching MagicView as an Ecco sidebar or viewpane. 

              MagicView can be used as an external window, a sidebar to Ecco, or as a view pane inside Ecco.

                • To toggle Ecco attachment mode,  press Winkey + Control + Z from within Ecco or MagicView.  ( View > As Sidebar  from the MagicView option menus).

                • To toggle between sidebar and viewpane modes when attached to Ecco,  use the "Internalize" option in the View menu (Winkey + Alt + Z).   The internalize option is only relevant when MagicView is attached to Ecco (View > As Sidebar) and determines if MagicView is attached as a sidebar or as an internalized viewpane within Ecco.  (This can also be selected per each viewtab individually (Control + Shift + F6),  so that for selected tabs MagicView is a sidebar,  and for others, an internal viewpane.)

                    When attached as an internaized viewpane the following applies:

              In a single view Ecco notepad, the MagicView sidebar is added over the right side of the notepad.  Normally the MagicView pane is set at 50%.   To reduce the pane size to 1/3,  select the View > MagicView Size > Smaller Frame option.

              In a double view notepads, the sidebar is added over the right side of the notepad.  You can manually control the size of the MagicView pane by resizing the notepad's left side.

              In triple view notepads,  the sidebar is added over the lower right corner view of the notepad,  and by manually setting the size of that pane,  you can exactly control the size of the MagicView window.

              Winkey + H to minimize MagicView.

              F11 to maximize MagicView.

              F6 to toggle a smaller MagicView frame size.

              Shift + F6 to toggle a larger MagicView frame size. 

              Alt + F6 to toggle the default MagicView frame location left or right.

              Control + F6 to exclude the current notepad for MagicView 'internal' mode.

              Control + Shift + F6 to edit the view exclusion list.  "Calendar" = 1, "PhoneBook" = 2, etc.  Use the same numbers as used for Alt + Number view change shortcut in Ecco.  Enter a list of numbers, eg., "5,6,8".

              NOTE: When attched to Ecco, the MagicVew "Compact","Standard", and "Broad" sizing do not apply to the MagicView pane size.  Those options apply to MagicView when viewed as an external, stand-alone window.   The "Smaller Frame", "Larger Frame", "Left Frame", and "Top Frame" options control sizing when MagicView is attached to Ecco as an internal viewing pane.  (View > MagicView Size).    "Maximize" (F11) and "Minimize" (Winkey + H)  apply in all view modes.

                • To move an attached MagicView pane from one Ecco instance to another,   press Winkey + Control + Z  from the Ecco instance you desire to move the pane to.  (Using MagicView with multiple Ecco instances requires first applying the freeware EM patch to ecco32.exe available at the board.)


              MagicView will always start as an independant window if another MagicView session is already attached to ecco. Each different session of MagicView will apply its own settings.  Be sure to properly setup multiple MV sessions if attached to the same Ecco instance. (For example one MV session on top, another set as bottom,  and each Ecco view setup with at least two additional views for placing the MV sessions).



                • Advanced control 'tricks':

                          Note: When resizing panes in Ecco, you'll see the cursor  change to a black double arrow with a vertical or horizontal bar in the middle.  That is when you can click to drag & resize panes.  If you see a double white arrow,  or arrows without the vertical or horizontal bar in the middle-- that is not exactly the right location,  move a little bit to find the 'spot'.

                  • Making a "MagicView" Tab.  This 'trick' allows you to turn a notepad tab into a MagicView tab.  Steps:

                    • Add a Tab to ecco  (View > Notepads > New Notepad). 

                    • Then add another.  It doesn't matter what folders,  best to use fresh, 'empty' ones.

                    • 'Grab' the border between the two views and resize them so that you entirely close the right view by moving the bar all the way to the right.

                    • For advanced users,  a side by side calendar that does not have a tab (Ecco's File > Properties > Display) will act as a MagicView pane if accessed via Alt + 1.

                  • Two views and External "MagicView".  This allows you to setup specific tabs to have two notepads and no MagicView.

                    • Add a third notepad to your two view notepad.

                    • Drag the third window almost all the way closed.   But leave a tiny bit of 'edge'.

                    • With a little play you'll understand the idea here.  A very small,  even so small you can't see it but it's still there, 3rd pane will force MagicView to external mode.

                    • Note: if you close the 3rd pane by right clicking on its folder tab,  you've created a manually adjustable single pane + MagicView view.   You can control the exact width by adjusting the vertical dividing bar.

                    • You can 'grab' the horizontal adjustment bar even if you can't really see it.   If you 'close' the 3rd pane,  you can 'reopen' by dragging up the bar-- from the very bottom.

                  • Single view and External MV.

                    • Create a two view external MV notepad,  and adjust the second pane so that it is nearly invisible.  You'll need to leave a tiny bit more than with the 3rd pane,  enough to see a sliver of the edge of the pane's original scroller bar on the right side.

                    • A little play with this will make perfect.

                  • Calendar/Phonebook to Right of MV.

                    • Juse the View > MagicView Size > Left Frame option.



              2.  Keeping MagicView shown always on top.    


              Toggle "Always Show" from the View menu,   or use the Winkey + S shortcut.


              3.  Instant MagicView Sizing when used as 'stand-alone' window.    

              Winkey + M  for Compact

              Winkey + Control + M for Midsized

              Winkey + Shift + M for Larger

              F11 for Full screen

              Winkey + H for minimized



              Play freely with any of the viewing options above or that you'll find in the "View" menu. 

              NOTE: Very much recommended not to generally use the "Browse Internally" mode. This mode is not relating to the type of MagicView pane,  but instead,  how links are handled when clicked.  While MagicView can technically 'browse' (when clicking on a link in 'View' mode,  the linked page is downloaded and can be displayed in MagicView or in a normal browser window)  MagicView is not a browser, and not designed to be a browser per-se,  and uses only the default protection settings (ie. often NONE depending on your systems' setup) against 'cookies', pop-ups and the like.   


                    Saving Graphics, formating, etc.


                      Graphics can take up a *HUGE* amount of space, and although the option for saving graphics along with your web clips is integrated into MagicView, the core purpose of the program is information gathering and management.

                      Images and attachments are saved in a special ".web" folder in the same directory as your ".eco" (or ".ecc") file.   The folder has the same name as the ecco file,  with the extension ".web".    You can 'zip' the directory to transfer or share attachments.  Clips with saved attachments will work without the .web folder,  but you won't see the attached images.

                      To stop an image while it is downloading, or to cancel the download of an image (including in cases where an image's download gets 'stuck'), press Control + Alt + F1.

                      All of the text from saved clips is stored within your .eco file unless you specify otherwise.  MagicView will compress and often clean up some of the 'html code' of saved pages.  If you want to archive web pages for "evidence", it is best to have a directory dedicated for that purpose. Just use your browser's built-in save complete web page feature. To add the saved page to ecco (so you can find it later), view (in your browser) the page you have saved to disk, and clip part (or all) of the content to ecco. So long as the directory you saved the webpage to exists in the same location, or you "Ground" the MagicView pages, they will always show the graphics, etc. when viewed.

                      MagicView allows clipping screen shots either into MagicView pages, or directly into Ecco as sub-items.

                      You can freely copy and paste graphics images within and between MagicView pages.  Simply mark the area to copy,  Control + C copy,  and then Control + V to paste where desired.   To copy an image as a 'hard' image that you can paste in any program that allows pasting of graphics,   control + right click on the image, and select "Copy" from the dropdown menu.




                      1. The features of EM Screen2Ecco for pasting screen clips into ecco are built-in to MagicView.  Press Winkey + F12 to activate.

                      2. When clipping from a disk archive of a web page,  to see the graphics, etc. from Ecco,  unless the page is "Grounded", the directory folder of the archive must be in exactly the same location when the page is viewed.   (Note: Unlike when clipping from a disk archive, when pages have been "Grounded", MagicView's automatically maintained add-on attachment directory can be anywhere, so long as the ecco file is there as well.)

                      3. To compress the files in the attachment directory and remove any old attachments that are no longer linked to any item's MagicView page,  use the File > Folder Options > Compress Attachments Folder tool.

                        1. Depending on machine speed and the size of the file,  reconciliation can take some time.   (A completion message pop-us when done.)

                          1. This tool is best use only occasionally.  The file where the active MagicView page is located is reconciled. There is usually no benefit internally to the ecco file (although any page fragments will be removed). Each individual file needs to reconciled separately.

                          2. For 'advanced' user's who have setup their disk structure to allow sharing viewpages between ecco files,  it is important to remember to COPY each ".web" folder,  and copy each .eco file (and .web folder) to a seperate directory before doing compression.  After compressing all 'conjoined' files,  copy back the .eco files,  delete all the files in the original 'conjoined'  .web folders and copy the compressed .web folder content back to the original location.   Ie.,  Any one file's compression cannot be aware of the needs of other files.  Files not needed by one .eco file may be needed by another in the sared file space.  So,  by making two copies of the file space,   each file compress will clear unneeded files from that file's .web space.   When recombined all is well.   Remember too, it is not necessary to *ever* compress the attachments folder-- it just saves disk space (and clears memory and space in the .eco file caused by error conditions or system failures, etc.).


                      4. You can easily insert links to graphics images in your MagicNotes by dragging & dropping any graphics file.  

                      A) If you want to include the image in the file's .web directory,  either:

                      i) Copy to file to that directory first, and then drag & drop into MagicView;  or


                      ii) If the "Ground local files" option is set,  Ground the page after the images have been added,  and the images will be automatically copied to the file's ".web" directory.  ( NOTE: Grounding does not copy local files to the .web directory unless the File > Folder Options > Ground local files option is selected. )


                      B) If text is selected at the time you drop an image into MagicView,  the image will be inserted immediately prior to the selected text.  Otherwise, images are inserted at the beginning of the MagicView page.


                      C) If you drag a image to the MagicView button sidebar and hold down 'Shift' while releasing,  you will be prompted for advanced photo options.   You can also modify these options by pressing Alt + P when any image is selected.


                      D) You can resize images by dragging the edge 'dots' which appear when an image is selected.

                      E) By right clicking on any image, you can instantly shrink the image to 'thumbnail' size,  restore the full size of the image, or view the image in the standard image viewer. 



                      Many modern web pages use special "style sheets" known as CSS, to save the formatting information for the displayed pages. So long as you can access the original site, and so long as the formatting file is available, you will normally see the original formatting in your clip views. However, if you want to make sure that you will always see the original formatting, you can "Localize" the CSS. Simply:


                      A) Select the "Localize CSS" command from the edit menu, 

                      B) Copy a clip into MagicView using shift+Control+V,  


                      C) Copy a clip from a browser using Winkey + Alt + C, or

                      D) Use the "Ground" function.


                      NOTE: The CSS style information can be larger, sometimes 2-3 times larger, than the actual text you are gathering. In most cases its not necessary to save the CSS style info of a web clip.

                          Private Notes

                        Private notes can be added to any view page via Control + F8  or the Format > Advanced Formatting menu. 


                        F8 toggles display of the notes.


                        Shift + F8 toggles display of the note markers.

                              1. Moving or deleting any collapsed note asterick pair will move or delete the collapsed note.

                              2. Hiding private notes does not remove them from the view page.  If other users have acces to the viewpage they can toggle display, and,  exported pages include a copy of hidden notes in the export.  

                              3. Deletion of collapsed note maker pairs will entirely delete private note.


                            Searching within Ecco

                                      To search for text within MagicView pages,  within Ecco search "entire File" and search "all columns".  To search for text within the 'tag lines' search only "Text".

                                      One trick is to use filters as part of your search.   You can create a filter for items with some value in the "MagicView?" folder to limit searches exclusively to MagicView pages.  You can also use any category tags (folders) as filter/search criteria to search for and/or select all the pages tagged with specific folder(s) tags.

                                      You can select tens, even hundreds of MagicView page items,  and view them as a single MagicView page.  (May take a few moments to load a large number of pages,  or multiple pages that are extremely long-- be patient).   You can then, for example,  drag and drop your results MagicView page directly into Word, etc.



                                Other cool stuff....

                              Control + Left Clicking in "Viewer" mode allows access to an alternate 'browsing style' context menu.

                              Control + F11 toggles between Ecco and MagicView.


                              Color Control Controls

                              Shift + Click on the "Highlight" button will highlight an entire paragraph. 

                              Shift + Click on the "Color" button will likewise apply  text color to an entire paragraph. 

                              Click on the ">>" box next to "Highlight" or "Color" to set the highlighter or fontcolors.

                              Shift + Control + Click  on "Highlight" or "Color" buttons will remove any paragraph wide background or font color setting.

                              Control + Click on "Highlight" to remove text highlighting.  (Alt + Space removes background and font color on other text selections.  Setting the text color to black removes font color.)

                              Control + Click on color well next to the Highlight and Color buttons, will toggle 'Color Well' mode, making the active color selection large & bright.   (Option is provided for those who find it helpful,  normally off by default to avoid the distraction of bright colors in the command panel.)

                              Right Click on the color well next to Highlight will clear the selection's background color,  (shift + right click to clear paragraph background color).

                              Right Clock on the color well next to Text will clone the selection's colors (shift + right click to clone paragraph colors).


                                      Paragraph or 'box' highlighting can be incredibly helpful for highlighting and offsetting information in a clip.  

                                      For web pages that don't use paragraphs (even thought visually it may look like they do), create your own  paragraph by simply pressing Alt + Control + P at the desired paragraph start.   You can do the same by pressing the "Enter" key where you want the highlight box to appear, then mark the text you want included and drag it to where you created the new line with the "Enter". 

                                      Use Shift + Enter to enter 'soft' returns (ie. vs Enter to start a new item/paragraph).


                              As in ecco, most commands can be launched in multiple ways.  In addition to the command's hotkey,  most commands can be triggered via the main function menus and the menus' Alt key shortcuts.

                              Many features which are typical to other Windows programs (such as MS Word), may  not have been specifically listed in this documentation.  Please see the menus for a full listing of features.  For example, you can  'Search & Replace'' (Control + F) your pages and clips, and  'Find Next" (F3) , etc. Hopefully, use of those basic functions should be self-explanatory. 

                              Hopefully, also, most 'hidden' features are mentioned  (Such as holding down the shift key when pressing 'Enter' or clicking "Find" in the Search & Replace dialog to search backwards, and holding down the control key in order to suppress the "Text Not Found, Search from Beginning/End of Page ?" prompt).

                              Normally you will not be able to activate  links to files and programs on your own computer unless you send the page to a browser, use Alt + Click.   The idea behind requiring this additional step is to protect against clips containing 'dangerous' links or scripts trying to activate programs on your machine.  Alt + Click will allow you to activate links even while in 'Magic' mode.   You can also right click on a link and select "Jump to Link".


                              Misc. 'usage' notes and tips:

                              Have taken to the practice of sending misc. requested info to friends & family directly from my organized ecco clips.  I just select the relevant ecco outline sections,  press Winkey + / to load the 'combo view'  and then drag & drop the indexed clip into an email.

                              The only problem with this so far is that I keep getting asked to let them know from whom I forwarded the mail.   For some reason the info in this format looks like a report someone else wrote up and I was just forwarding on...  go figure.


                              MagicView is an Ecco 'Add-On'-- if you have problems starting MagicView, try it with ECCO first running.  (Although Ecco's window does not need to be open). 


                              Block Calc will calculate ACROSS each line in the block, and then add the totals together.  

                              All basic math functions work, as do parens.  Additional math functions include:

                                      ^        'Power of'

                              and for programming types:

                                      Base16 (0xFF)  freely interchangable with Base10

                                      ( Include "#HEX#" in block for Hex result )

                                      << and >>        Bit Shifting

                                      &, !|, and |        And, Nor, and Or


                              MagicView is designed to clip from a variety of sources, including web pages from the internet.   MagicView will have a hard time initializing or clipping pages if internet access is blocked by firewall programs such as ZoneAlarm.


                              Check out the F5 tool.   Note that you can either double click on a single item, -or-, you can select multiple items (shift or control click), and then click on the 'click to open' link at top of history box to open multiple pages at the same time.

                              (Be sure to move the history box out of the way to see MagicView)


                              Sometimes web pages will use 'fancy' quotes or other unusual Glyphs.  Unless such pages properly identify codepage, MagicView accepts the text literally (because sometimes the aberrant glyphs are intentional, or part of an improperly identified unicode page). In such a case, you'll see something like this-- "under a parent. ".   Instant fix via File > Strip > Aberrant Glyphs (or Winkey + Alt + A).  Fixes example text to "under a parent.  ", etc.


                              Margins, line spacing, etc., can be set by a number of pixels (eg. "7"),  by a percentage (eg., "10%"  margins or "130%" line height),  or by point size (eg., "18pt").

                              By preceding the margin size with "<" or ">"  the individual margin size of the left or right margin can be individually selected.

                              Preceding the padding value with ">" will apply the same value to both padding and margins.


                              Dragging image files (from the local hard disk or the net) will insert the image at the cursor. 

                              Alt + P allows editing the Image's properties.

                              Dragging HTML or TXT files will append the html or text to the active MagicView page.

                              Dragging any other file will create a link to the file for the marked text.  If no text is marked,  a link will be created at the bottom of the page, with the link's file name as the linked text.



                              MagicView can store up to 8 megs of data per viewpage per ecco item,  and a virtually unlimited amount of data per viewpage per ecco item if the data location is set for disk storage. 

                              You can drag literally hundreds of HTM, HTA, HTML and TXT files into a magicview page (drag to Item Text box and hold down shift key) and combine into a single magicview page.

                              This help file is over 250,000 bytes in size,  and hopefully works smoothly on your system.    HUGE viewpages of 2, 8, or 10+ megs will work fine,  but on most systems some functions will respond *very* slowly.   Please be patient.   Even basic functions such as Alt-X (index)  Winkey-P (page encryption),  and others,   may respond very, very slowly  on multi-megabyte single viewpages.  

                              Also note that on huge pageview items stored in ecco,  you may see ecco 'flicker' when the item is opened, or saved.  This is normal,  as is the slight 'lag' in loading and saving huge viewpages inside of ecco.




                              MagicView's tray icon includes a 'Next Right Click'  tool for those who are mouse oriented.   After activation, the next time the right mouse button is clicked,  the Winkey + F12  Clip menu is activated.  



                              And, for 'programming types':

                              You can use the Control + R command to instantly move back and forth between the clip text and the raw HTML and incorporate directly any HTML formatting you desire-- including javascript. Some tiny level of HTML compatibility cleanup is controlled by MagicView.  (If you want true 100% control,  use an html editor.)

                              You can use your own page default HTML should you desire.  Simple save the html template with the file name "EM_DefaultView.html" in the MagicView program directory.  Remember the template gets added to every default note,  so best to keep size compact.

                              You can also set the background color or image for any individual page.  By entering "http://...." when prompted for a file name,  you can use a file from the web.   If you want the background saved,  be sure to Ground the page if using an image from the web,  or,  use an image from the .web directory.  (Copy the image to the file's .web  and select that image as the background image).  [if the .web directory doesn't exist for your file,  just ground any clip with web images, and the directory will be created.   Or just manually create the directory,  same as the ecco file's name,  with the .web extension].

                              Advanced, control of MagicView's use of ecco folders is also available (although not recommended except where no file will have more than 10,000 Magic View pages, in which case the 'Manual Folders' option will give a speed improvement for slower systems). 

                              1) The Alternate Folders option allow a second set of web clips for items.  You can manually select to force the alternative folder set,  or to make that the default for any file.  You can also de-selected the alternative folder set, (useful when there are 20,000 - 30,000 clips in a file, and thousands of older clips are then removed).

                              2) The Strict page choice option restricts MagicView's choice of folders to the selected default-- even if it is empty and there is a viewpage  saved in the alternative folder.   This is something that normally works automatically,  but  additional functionality is exposed for advanced users. 

                              3) The Manual Folders option can provide some speed improvement for slower systems, but should only be used on ecco files with up to 10,000 MagicView pages. Manual Folders mode will work perfect up to about 50% of capacity, about 15,000 pages per file, but will be stuck in manual mode.



                              NOTE: You are viewing an extensive, yet pre-release version of the help file.  Please look at program menus for more info.






                              Copr. 2008 - 2009 ISystems. All Rights Reserved.
                              Patents Pending. 

                              EUA, TERMS, ETC.: We are transmitting or delivering to you a copy of our software, similar to if we were transmitting or delivering to you a copy of a radio show. We own the original program, as an entire work, including but not limited to the coding, text, html, images, graphics, layout, design, and look and feel, all of which are COPYRIGHT by us, and all rights to which are retained by and RESERVED by us. Similarly, the source code including any and all parts which are based on our trade secret or any patented or patent-pending technology, are retained by us, and your right is limited to a right to use the object code distributed to you. You agree not to look under the hood, and to keep fully secret and confidential, even from your own eyes, all internal processes of the program. 

                              We grant you, and only to you, the right to use, for either a single user on as many machines used exclusively by that user, or for a single machine with multiple non-remote users. You may, of course, make reasonable backups of the program, if kept securely by you, and not in such a way that others might have access or the opportunity to copy or steal the program from your backups. 

                              You are authorized to re-transmit or copy the program for your own use, from a fixed media to another fixed media or to local RAM of your machine, in order to use the program in an ordinary fashion. You are not authorized to modify, crack, or hack the program. Application or implementation of any modification, crack, or hack, is a violation of this end user agreement, and a violation of the program's copyright. 

                              The the full extent permitted by law, no warranties are made, and the software is transmitted "as-is". Use of this software has not been tested by us on your individual machine or circumstances, and you acknowledge this and you agree to assume all risk of use. No warranty of fitness for use, and no warranty for merchantability are made by us, and ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES are, to the extent permitted by law, fully disclaimed by us. To the extent permitted by law, the limitations of remedies for any breach of warranty is limited to replacement of the software, or refund of the purchase price, at our exclusive option.

                              This product is distributed "AS-IS".


                                  For more Ecco tools and add-ons, visit


                                  Please share any comments, suggestions, or problems via:






                               Help Overview:

                              Adding content to a Viewpage 

                                      Adding clips to a MagicView page

                                      Adding web clips directly to ecco

                                              'Specialty' Clips

                                      'Exact' HTML content clips

                                      Adding PDF and DJVU documents

                                      Adding Links to other MagicView pages

                                      Attaching the active MagicView page to the active Ecco item

                              Sharing MagicView pages among items (Mirroring)

                              Saving content

                                      Disk/Ecco Page Storage Options

                                      Saving a item's modified MagicView page

                                      Attaching the active MagicView page to a new Ecco item

                                      Copy Text to Child

                                      Copy to Item Text

                                      Saving content


                              Navigation Buttons

                              Viewing & Editing content

                                      Instant Zoom


                                      Hotkey viewpage load

                              History Menu

                              Index entries

                              Viewing options

                                      Attaching MagicView as an Ecco sidebar or viewpane
                                      Instant MagicView Sizing

                              Saving Graphics, formating, etc.

                              Searching within Ecco

                                      'Search and Replace'

                              How to click on hyperlinks in Magic mode

                              Block Calc

                              Technical options for 'programming types'